I used to buy groceries once every two weeks. I planned the meals I would prepare and the snacks we would need . I purchased the necessary items brought them home put them away and repeated the process two weeks later. Things have changed.
These days I am buying more groceries and they are lasting fewer days. The influx of teen boys and girls(I mean young men and women) in addition to my own bottomless pits is wiping my bank account out practically before the money is in. Seriously in one weekend they went through three gallons of milk, all the cereal, three big boxes of Little Debbie snacks, an industrial size peanut butter, two loaves of bread, a case of ramen noodles, a gallon of tea per day plus too many sodas and chips to count. Completely wiped out. Keep in mind these are just their snacks, I still prepare whatever meals need to be served while they are here.
For those of you who have known me a while- you might recall the days when I longed for ours to be the house where everyone would gather - so consider mine a cautionary tale. Be careful of what you wish; you just might get it. Just kidding, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Now, I don't begrudge the eating and I do like that they hang out here. I do wish there was a little portion control. Since I recognize the absence of connected frontal lobes (theirs not mine), I've started getting less stuff but doing it more frequently. I also hide the food- in my closet, under a bed, and in many areas I would consider finding something to eat a bit odd. They still find everything, it just takes them longer. The summer break was tough. Kids were not only here on weekends but in some cases all week long, I came very close to taking out a second mortgage for groceries.
It's funny but I have to hide band aids too. I haven't figured out the why to that one yet.
Been there. It doesn't get much better after they are out on their own. You will notice that food has mysteriously disappeared after they visit.