Thursday, January 16, 2020

Car business, a rant

So, I love my job. I may have said that a time or two.or twenty.  Selling cars is my jam and my bread and butter. I meet some amazing people (amazingly good and amazingly strange)

I come in on my days off, I stay until closing on my early weeks a lot of times and y'all I'm doing okay. I sell enough to make my bills and buy groceries but I know it's only by God's grace and goodness to me.

In my time here I've seen probably 50 salespeople come and go (that's in less than four years) it's a tough business to make a living in and I thought at some point I'd be one of the guys, I've met goals, been top salesman a couple of times even,  but truth is I'll never get to be a part of that "good ol' boys" club that is fueled by testosterone, sports talk, and the thrill that is knocking someone's head off, figuratively, of course.

 I want to be okay with that, I do. But then days and weeks like these bring it to the forefront of my mind and I get bogged down in the feelings  of insecurity of maybe I really don't belong here doing this thing.

It's been a male dominated profession for  so long, don't get me wrong there are many women who have navigated this career path successfully, and you know I really am doing okay.  I guess I'll just keep doing me and hold to the quote I have posted on my monitor "Worry less about others actions and more about your own".

I am driven in part by a need for validation and recognition, who am I kidding? I'm a super needy  estrogen filled mess. For as much as I don't get them without a shadow of a doubt they don't get me either.  :) but that's okay . There's a book title I recall from decades ago "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" we are different in so many ways and to be honest I like working with these men. I like the competitive nature of the job. I like that they've toughened me up a little, I do still cry here occasionally but not nearly like that first year I'm sure that's a relief to them. (haha)

Rant over, I feel better already.  If you need a car ( New Fords used anythings) give me a call or shoot me a text  678-588-3858 I would be a poor salesperson indeed if I did not have a shameless plug
I'm on Facebook too at "Tracey Cagle Don't Dream it Drive It"