A few weeks ago I wrote about not being able to bathe while I was in the hospital. Now, I want to share with you why I was in there and what I learned from the experience, as you can see from the pic, I had a pretty nasty staph infection just above my ankle. The thing is I don't have any idea how I acquired it. My experience was a small pimple formed on my leg on a Friday, by Sunday I had gone to the urgent care medical center due to the pain and increasing size of the pimple. The doc prescribed antibiotics and sent me on my way. Well, by Tuesday the spot had not only not improved it was spreading and looking kind of scary, so I went back to doctor thinking I needed a different medication. This is where the Dr. frightened me to near panic levels, he walked in looked at my leg and said , "you need to be in the hospital". He left the room and came back with a fast pass admission (anywhere else that would be a good thing, Six Flags,movies, DMV). I could have used a little more sensitivity, where's Dr. Welby when you need him? Turns out I had MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Very scary indeed, especially with the cases of flesh eating bacteria that had been featuring prominently in the news this past summer now playing in my mind's eye.
Dr. Haibach , at Spalding, was wonderful. She explained to me that this super-bug is now pretty much everywhere. We determined due to the location of mine there is a strong likelihood that I got it from shaving my legs.
After four days of IV antibiotics I was released . The doctors did say I am now colonized so more lesions are probably in my future.
So here are tips on preventing your own MRSA infection. Change razors frequently. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. Bleach is your friend. (weekly bleach baths, in the laundry and on any surface that it won't ruin)Clean your wounds, use hydrogen peroxide and a Neosporin type ointment, then keep them covered. Don't share towels with anyone and wash your pajamas and clothing and towels after each use. Recognize that any pimple like lesion with a white head is staph but not necessarily the really bad kind..Don't pop them, do seek medical attention if there is any spreading of the redness, pain, or opening/draining of the wound. It's nothing to mess around with folks. When I went back for my follow up visit, the doctor said I was lucky not to have lost my leg, it's that serious an infection. Take care of you!!
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