Sparta never understood my love/obsession with coffee and through the years as I went through one Mr Coffee maker after another, he would suggest that I simply quit. Simply quit.....as if there were nothing special, nothing different about the contents of the caffeine laden mug I held so tightly each morning.
Fast forward fifteen years to a career where coffee meetings had became a bi-weekly norm, and Sparta's reticence to continually draw attention to himself by declining means that we now have a shared appreciation of Juan Valdez's Colombian brew. These days if he gets up before me that means, he's taken care of starting the pot and I get to enjoy the fruits and aromas of his labor.
When he was a non-drinker, I used to fantasize about long leisurely conversations the two of us could have out on the porch as we sipped our morning coffee, all the while birds would be singing and a deer or two might frolic through the yard. Silly yes? Before becoming a convert, Sparta had absolutely no understanding of the physical and mental benefits of coffee. He could hear me sigh with pleasure upon my first sip. He could take note of my panic when the coffee maker's on light wasn't lighting. He thought he understood my need but he didn't, not really, until my need also became his own.
Lately, I've been seeing many comments disparaging Christianity; some questioning it's validity and the sanity of those who profess it. Others have made remarks degrading believers as neanderthals with no intelligence and demonizing those who would dare to take a stand for biblical principles. I say to those posting, as non-believers, you just don't get it and you can't.
The apostle Paul knew this and he forewarned us in 1 Corinthians 2:14-15 where he says,
14 A person who isn’t spiritual doesn’t accept the teachings of God’s Spirit. He thinks they’re nonsense. He can’t understand them because a person must be spiritual to evaluate them. 15 Spiritual people evaluate everything but are subject to no one’s evaluation.(God's Word Translation)
Just like Sparta didn't understand the deliciousness of coffee, the lost have no concept of the reality of God, there's nothing in them to recognize the truth of His word. I hope to remember that when my blood pressure starts rising in response to their words. Oh, by the way two cups of coffee daily has been shown to help combat high blood pressure. Good to know, huh?
Great post. Made me laugh because I too have a caffeine appreciation that my family doesn't understand.