Thursday, December 9, 2010

Not Ready For The Kiln

In the very good times I remember to whom I owe praise. In the really difficult times I know where to direct my cries and pleas for mercy and help. It is in the normalness of life that I fail to see and seek God.

Those interchangeable days where any one is just like another. The mundane tasks that take place from ringing of the alarm clock to bath and bedtime all done in a perfect Ben Stein-like monotone. Wake the kids, feed the kids, make the beds, wash the dishes, feed the dog, do the laundry, clean the toilet, cook the dinner, watch TV, send kids to bed, go to sleep and repeat.

Psalm 139:16 says, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

I read this verse, re-read it and then read it again putting my own name in the place of the personal pronouns. “All the days of Tracey’s life were ordained for Tracey before any of them came to be.” I have long thought that I was here on earth at this particular time in history in order to accomplish something for the kingdom of God, that I was purposed for this time not that time was purposed for me. The first line of Rick Warren’s “The Purpose Driven Life” seemed to confirm it , “It’s not about me” but guess what, maybe it is about me. Not exclusively mind you, but this verse affirms that each day is shaped for me. That word translated ordained is “yatsar” and it means to be formed, fashioned or framed like clay by a potter. The days I live in exist in order that I might be formed into the person the Creator would have me be.

In the everyday repetitions of life, my spirit is being shaped and smoothed in much the same way a rock or mountain is rounded and smoothed by weather, water, and erosion. Over time becoming something quite different that the sharp rough thing it was originally. These days were formed with me in mind. Your days are formed with you in mind by a Potter who knows exactly the ware He has in mind for that unformed embryo you once were.
Praying that I will be shaped more easily; compliant and yielding to the Father's will in my life and for my life that He may be glorified in  all circumstances especially in my day to day duties.

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