Backing up is not one my tricks. Backing up big trucks even with cameras is not one of my tricks. So, the challenge of getting vehicles back in place is a great obstacle.
I'm going to try my hand at blogging again, maybe some about cars, probably mostly about life. To be honest the car thing is going better than I could have imagined, the life thing not so much. Marriage has been better, I'm not going to kid you it's been worse too. We celebrated 25 years in July and last July I don't think anyone thought we would make it. Divorce papers had been served.
I'm not where I once was in my relationship with the Lord either, it's been been better too. I'm trying but I really struggle in the flesh. Of course, I know it is me who moved and not God so it's just a matter of finding my way back to my first love. Remembering the passion and newness, the wonder of Him and His goodness to me.
They say admitting a problem is the first step in overcoming it, with shame and regret I admit I have wandered.

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