My oldest daughter has a job therefore she has her own spending money and as any trend following teenage girl should, she spends it all on new clothes. She spends so much that she has no gas money to get to and from said job, but I digress.
A few days ago she asked me to iron one of her most recent acquisitions. I don't how we have lived together for almost 17 years without her realizing that I do not iron. In fact, I go to great lengths to avoid using that evil device. I buy specially made spray to remove the rumples, the crinkles and unwanted creases. I'll run the dryer if needed. I will even turn on the shower to steam unsightly wrinkles away. Mostly though, I carefully avoid buying wrinkle prone items. I am a tag reader. Seeing perma press or wrinkle free on a tag leaves me positively giddy.
I haven't always been this way. There was a time I bought anything that looked pretty on the hanger(unfortunately this was during linen and raw silk's prime).There was a time I worked in an office where the professional dress code was enforced. There was also a time I was running late for work and attempted to iron a wrinkled shirt while it was on my person. I still have the faint scar along my collar bone as proof that this was not one of my better ideas. However, the experience did teach me to read clothing labels :)
Usually, one time is all it takes for me to learn some of life's more valuable lessons. There's an old proverb that says "a fool learns from his own mistakes but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others". Although sometimes foolish, I'm no fool.
When a friend recently commented that a story of personal hygiene gone wrong made her think of me, I wasn't offended in the least because she was right it does sound like something I might do. I wouldn't recommend hot beverages while you read the following as there is a strong possibility you will be wearing a bit by the time you finish but here is a version of the tale http://justmejulie.wordpress.com/2009/12/29/funny-waxing-story/ FYI, I won't be waxing ANYTHING at anytime.
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