Now because of the missed bus we needed to leave about twenty minutes sooner and Allison having just gotten up would not be ready. Not a problem because Ben was home and he could take her on his way to work without much inconvenience. Logical thinking solves logistical problem without yelling or tears, yet.
With some effort, we made it out the door when we needed too. Traffic was good to us, there were no tractors between us and the four lane. Looked like we were going to make it but as we started to enter the drop off zone at the elementary school, I heard a surprised "huh" from my backseat passenger. Wesley was unwrapping himself from the blanket he'd worn since breakfast and realized he had no shoes. Yes it's true, I did not check his feet before we left the house. Still not a problem though because we had a little time and a plan. At this point Leah texts Ben to bring shoes to the high school parking lot where I can meet him as he drops Allison. Smiling to myself and thinking "clever me", I breathed a sigh of relief while heading to the high school. After five minutes in the parking lot waiting, my cell rings, and it's Allison , she needs her purse from my car.
"Not a problem", I say, "you can get it from me when I get Wesley's shoes".
To which Allison replies "Umm, we don't have any shoes. Ben didn't turn his phone on until we were already on the way".
Long story short, Allison got her purse and was 30 minutes late, Wesley made it to school 45 minutes late with red rimmed eyes from my "what were you thinking?" lecture. No doubt I was a scary sight to behold checking him in with my slightly brushed hair, make-upless face,and mismatched pajama clad self. I don't think I'd be surprised if child services showed up in the very near future. That might be a problem.

It's all good though, this morning's events helped me make a decision. I had been considering coming off my blood pressure medication, even talked to my doctor about it. I've changed my mind.
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